
What’s the intention behind the brand? Many have asked if this branding launch is for the memoir, and to that I would say: maybe so, but let’s not hold our breath.

I started sharing my stories on social media over two years ago with hopes of establishing a base of support for the memoir I’d written. At the time, the goal was to land a traditional book deal within a certain timeframe, or self-publish when I felt there were enough people interested to make it worth while.

Writing in itself was meaningful, but I was still craving the “career” aspect. I was desperate to prove myself and felt monetary validation was the only way around the imposters syndrome that plagued me. I hated opening my account to see “writer” attached to my handle. I felt unqualified and foolish. But I made myself power through because the alternative- not trying at all- was the only thing scarier. I couldn’t go back to feeling stuck and envious as I watched other people pursue their passions.

I wouldn’t have admitted this in the beginning, but I longed to build an inspiring and empowering community and envisioned the book as the foundation of that. I’d never considered myself a leader (because how dare you? Who do you think you are?) but felt strongly compelled to show other women the ways that embracing my creativity saved me from my feelings of complacency. I wanted to use that creativity to help normalize being an ever-evolving, multifaceted person in an authentic and entertaining way.

What I’ve found is that the memoir remains unpublished, but the rest didn’t wait. I know now that I am capable of building the platform I imagined when first sitting down to write the memoir whether it graces the shelves of any bookstores, or not. I’m not afraid anymore to say I feel I have something worthy of offering the world. The bulk of what I hoped to achieve isn’t hinging on publication, it’s already taking shape organically right here.

Through storytelling and connecting with those who relate, I’ve found purpose. And as far as the financial aspect goes, it turns out you can’t put a price on fulfillment. I’ve invested in this brand because it matters to me to give it all I’ve got. It brings me joy every single day- the least I can do is see how far I can take it.

I often say I’ve done things backwards. Most people would have started with a blog and a brand, and built up to the book. But it should be no surprise that I’ve never been one to take the obvious path. I had to write the book- to share the stories -to build the confidence - to create the brand. So this is my way of going back to the beginning.

Maybe the brand will circle around to a newer, better book. Maybe it will take me in an entirely new direction. I’m content to wait and see either way. Time has been a kind teacher to me and while it hasn’t quelled my ambition, it has provided peace in the process of achieving my goals and understanding that sometimes a realized dream looks different than we initially expect.

I hope in reading along you will see yourself in some of my madness and find inspiration to pursue your own creative path. Mine has lead me on the most worthwhile adventure back to the truest version of myself. I wouldn’t trade it for anything.


Elizabeth Looney Photography